
Agile Mindset: The Role of Agile Team Management

Data: 06 August 2021 | Categoria: People
Gestor conversando com dois colaboradores, de forma descontraída, materializando o conceito de mindset ágil.

At a time of so many transformations and rapid changes, team management demands a mindset that is more flexible, dynamic and innovative. In this context, the agile mindset appears as an important way to build a management that drives results and encourages collaboration, autonomy and innovation .

The context of team management, both in traditional companies and startups, was already dynamic and was undergoing transformations at the turn of the 21st century. However, the pandemic accelerated a series of changes that were underway. Thus, the home office became more intense, digital tools became popular and trends are here to stay.

Given this situation, the agile mindset helps leaders in team management. The objective is to keep teams cohesive and focused on the continuous improvement of their performance. Understand what the concept is about, the advantages of applying this mindset and how it is linked to agile methodologies. 

What is Agile Mindset?

The agile mindset is the mindset that continually seeks innovation, collaboration, increased product value for the customer, and rapid adaptation. Therefore, we leave behind a centralized, bureaucratic management full of hierarchies and processes. Thus, the objective became to work in a fast, participative and constantly improving manner.

In other words, the mindset is a way of thinking and managing people and processes in a flexible way, stimulating the team’s self-organization. Likewise, it encourages the growing advancement of deliveries and a vision that accompanies the transformations of the volatile world in which we live.

Agile Mindset and Agile Methodologies

O Agile Manifest< /a>, created over 20 years ago, does not cite the agile mindset. However, the document brought methodological alternatives that promoted disruptions never seen before. This set of practices made the management of people, projects and processes much more dynamic, fluid and collaborative.

The manifesto stimulated the interaction of people, collaboration with the customer, quick response to transformations and continuous flows. It also encouraged self-management and a host of other practices that forever changed the way we manage teams.

Thus, it was necessary to promote a change in the mindset of leaders. This, so that leaders could lead their teams towards these agile practices. 

In other words, there was no longer any space for a traditional leadership role. Thus, it was necessary to develop a more collaborative vision, with the leadership guiding and stimulating the team’s continuous development.

Reasons to apply the agile mindset 

The agile mindset dialogues with the innovative skills of the future. These involve : active learning, problem solving, creativity and being oriented to serve the customer. It also involves other skills that have already started to be part of the current moment of companies and startups, but which will be even more in demand over the years.

At the same time, both traditional organizations and universe of startups can apply the agile mindset. In this way, they will be able to obtain advantages and differentials that increase the possibilities of growth in a volatile world, full of constant innovations. For example:

  • With the agile mindset, the team increases communication and improves interaction not only with each other, but also with leaders;
  • Learning and improvement are constant, taking into account the concept of making mistakes and learning fast, characteristic of startups;
  • Self-management and trust in the team are encouraged, which brings more fluidity and agility to the processes;
  • Speaking of processes, they become more transparent and flexible, adjusting more quickly to changes and customer needs;
  • All of this contributes to better results. In fact, results orientation is a precept that is part of the use of agile methodologies.

No wonder that, at Brain, projects and teams use a lot of the mindset and agile methodologies, such as the Scrum framework. And this is done through squads that have multidisciplinary members, such as the Scrum Master, Product Owner and development teams.

To learn more about agile mindset, skills of the future and other topics and news in the area of ​​technology and innovation, follow Brain on Instagram, Facebook e LinkedIn!
